Front end developer

1 рік
27 Листоп 2022
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Photoshop
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • BEM
  • Figma
  • Canvas
  • Bootstrap
  • Cross-browser markup
  • Responsive markup
  • Flexbox
  • React
  • TypeScript

I am good at making responsive and cross-browser version of the layout (I can Pixel-perfect if needed) using Figma and other tools.
I know JavaScript, React and Redux. Familiar with TypeScript.
I am not afraid of tasks that I have not faced yet and do not know by heart. It always helps to be able to google and find a solution.

Result-oriented and detail-oriented Frontend developer who has been actively practicing Frontend since March 2021.
I write projects using semantic HTML5 tags and style them using various CSS approaches such as Flexbox, CSS-Grid, etc., following the principles of Pixel-perfect, responsive layout and BEM methodology.
I can write quality JavaScript (TypeScript) code using React, Vue and Redux libraries, and I'm familiar with ES6-ES10 functions, cookies, local/session storage, fetch, REST API, Promise, CSS-animation, media-queries, svg, png, Canvas.
I know how to work with such tools as Bootstrap, Materialize, Ant Design, Google Maps APIs.