Junior QA Enginner (Manual)

до 3-х місяців
20 Груд 2022

I am a passionate and detail-oriented QA engineer with experience in web testing, looking for an entry-level position to utilize my skills in testing, solving complex problems, and helping to complete projects on time. Always ready to
implement innovative approaches to solving problems. Has been highly rated in previous positions for analytical, organizational, and team skills.

Understating of client-server architecture (HTTP(s), REST,SOAP)
Basic experience with API testing (Postman)
Basic experience with SQL (SQLite)
Practical experience of HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
Basic experience of Charles, Fiddler
Basic experience with GIT
Experience in WEB and mobile testing
Good knowledge of testing types and test design techniques
Experience in creating rest documentation: checklist, test cases, bug reports
Understanding of QA theory and approaches
Experience with JIRA
Understating of Agile framework (Scrum, Kanban)
Knowledge of SDLS/STLS
Tools: Chrome DevTools, Test Rail, Visual Studio Code

- Cross-platform and cross-browser testing
- Requirements and design analysis
- Planning and estimations of tasks
- Creating test documentation
- Test data preparation
- Preparing a test environment
- Functional and UI/UX testing
- Creating and verifying a bug report
Qwasar, Silicon Valley
- Developed small-project on HTML and CSS
- Developed small-project on JavaScript