QA Automation Engineer

1 рік
23 Груд 2022
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Cypress
  • Playwright

I am a QA engineer with 1+ year work experience and skills in manual and automation testing. Responsibilities at last job:
• writing the entire testing core from scratch
• creating UI automation tests (JS+Cypress)
• analyzing CI runs
• preparing a demos for API-testing

I am a QA engineer with 1+ year work experience and skills in manual and automation testing.

Automation testing skills:
• Java, JavaScript
• IDE IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm
• Selenium Webdriver, Cypress
• Apache Maven
• Framework: TestNG, Mocha, Jest, Allure, Log4j

API testing:
• Supertest, PactumJS, custom tools for sending, processing and analysis

Manual testing:
• Full testing lifecycle, including test documentation creation (test plans,
test reports, test cases, check-lists, reports)
• API Testing: Postman, Fiddler
• Web testing: Cross-Browser, Cross-Platform testing
• Database: SQL
• Version control system: GitHub, Bitbucket
• Virtualization tools: VirtualBox
• Continuous integration: Jenkins, TeamCity
• Tracking systems: JIRA, Testrail