Junior Python developer

1 рік
22 Січ 2023
  • Django
  • Python
  • Multiprocessing
  • Selenium
  • Flask
  • Asyncio
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Numpy
  • PyEnv
  • Postgres
  • API
  • OpenCV
  • Aiogram
  • Pillow
  • Aiohttp
  • Bs4

Python is my first language. I've been learning it for almost a year. I never imagined before that I could be so passionate about it. I knew English before, so it was relatively easy.

Python is my first language. I've been learning it for almost a year. I never imagined before that I could be so passionate about it. I knew English before, so it was relatively easy. Completely self-taught. I bought the course in the beginning and did not attend until the end, because it was boring and I was moving forward on my own, much faster. I practiced writing code 95% of the time. Most of the time I studied libraries for web parsing and site automation. I write a few of my own projects with sqlalchemy, postgres aiohttp, asyncio, aiogram, bs4, selenium, pillow, numpy, opencv. I know a little about Flask and Django. To be honest with myself I'm very happy with my progress in a year, but I really miss community, no one I know is there. This really slows me down, I have no one to ask my stupid questions. I'm a very quick learner, I love everything new. I will be grateful if you give me the opportunity to develop in this direction.