VP/ CTO/ (Android, IOS, Flutter)

8 років
2 Серп 2021
  • Android
  • Android SDK
  • RxAndroid
  • Android eco-system
  • MVVM
  • MVP
  • Android Architecture Components
  • iOS
  • Android studio
  • Clean Code
  • Android & IOS App
  • flutter

- 5 years of development in Android
- 3 years of development using Flutter
- 1 year of development in IOS

Last company I worked for:
CTO in LeadIT (2018 - Present)
--managed the team, helping growing fast, solving development problems in applications
--chose architecture\stack for projects
--estimate projects
--interview people

8+ years programming and experience in building massively scalable apps(mostly using Flutter/ Kotlin).
For the past 5 years, I have been a co-founder of LeadIt It Company, and we have assembled a team of over 40 people and expanded to 6 different departments from development to design.
At different stages of the company's growth, I had to additional areas of work, such as: hiring people, app architecture, team transition from Android development to Flutter, internal product development, scalable business solutions with development for several years, writing native applications with ArCore + ArKit frameworks that work in conjunction. This experience helped me to better understand how the business works, to think a few steps ahead, how to assemble and manage a team, how to prioritize, taught me how to quickly find solutions.

Dart\Flutter(2 years), Java(3 years)\Kotlin(1 year), Swift(1 year),

DrawableAnimation, ValueAnimator, LiveData, SQL\NoSQL, Realm, Fabric(Crashlytics), Glide, SplitInstall, Kodein, RxJava, Retrofit , Dagger, Google Maps, In-App purchase (stripe\applepay\gpay), Svg Animation,
SwiftUI/UIViewController/UIView/Icons/SwiftUI, UIKit, Generic, Protocol, Extension., DispatchQueue, Codable,CoreData, Realm, SQLite, UserDefaults, Custom Views, Pods, App Lifecycles, ARKit, MLKit,
FractionallySizedBox, Navigation, Bloc, Widget ext., EventChannel, FlutterEventSink, Canvas, Custom Animation, Rive, Provider, GetIT, Hive, AnimationController,FractionallySizedBox,mixin

Gitlab, Jenkins, Jira, Asana

Intellij IDEA, VSCode, XCode