HR manager/ People Partner

9 років
17 Серп 2022

I've been an HR manager since 2013. I know for sure that caring for employees is very important. And I consider it my mission to help people and make them a little happier at work. I have very strong communication and organizational skills. Developed empathy and a great sense of humor :)

What I can do well:
The entire cycle of the HR process from interview to dismissal.
Maintain good internal communication within the company.
Organization of various kinds of events
Creation of company rules.
Organization of internal and external training for employees
Wellbeing of employees

What has been successfully launched at previous places of work:
The rules of work in the Company are written and work
Corporate Library
Document storage portal
Courses for employees during quarantine (no budget)
Trips and events for employees (in Ukraine and abroad)
Welcome training and welcome pack
Adaptation map
Regular eNPS surveys and working with results
Speech at HR conference

11/01/2019 - HR BP

• Recruitment and adaptation of personnel (from ordinary managers to the top level, 1:1,)
• Participation in the automation project in recruiting (testing, launching the E-staff program)
• Participation in the project to develop the Company's EVP, development of an HR communication platform
• eNPS survey
• Participation in the study of corporate culture in the central office
• Organization of internal and external training for employees
• Wellbeing of employees (improvement of working conditions in the office, additional benefits: medical insurance, English courses, master classes for Employees’ children, vaccination of employees in the office)
• Participation of the company in charitable projects
• Organization of events and incentive trips
• Launch of an internal portal for storing documents

8/01/2018 – 10/31/2019
Corporate culture and internal communication manager

12/05/2016 – 07/31/2018
Corporate Culture Manager. Started this function from scratch.

12/01/2015 - 11/30/2016 - head of the recruiting department
12/01/2013 - 11/30/2015 - manager C&B