Product designer, UI/UX

10 та більше років
17 Серп 2022
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Usability
  • UI/UX
  • After Effects
  • Trello
  • Mockup
  • Wireframe

I want to create user-friendly application interfaces and websites. Constantly learn and develop in a team of professionals!

I have been in design for over 12 years.
2008 - I started as a graphic designer. Engaged in design of printed products, layout and prepress, also did layouts for outdoor advertising and participated in their installation.
In 2012 I took a great interest in web design. I developed web-pages for a major telecommunication provider and 1C company. At the same time I mastered the position of content manager and brought leads through social networks.
2018 - Discovered UI/UX. During this time brought more than 10 projects to life. Also started learning professional video editing.

At the moment I am the head of SMM department, UI/UX designer and video editor.

I use Figma and Invision for UI projects. Web design - Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop. Video editing - Adobe Premiere, After Effects.

I want to move towards creating user-friendly interfaces. This is interesting and promising for me.

- The design and branding of the company, which twice won, subsequently, first place in the "People's Brand" category, in 2020 and in 2021.
- I designed the interface of the chatbot app, which is used by thousands of people.