Senior Test Automation Engineer / QA Lead / QA Manager

10 та більше років
21 Верес 2022
  • Jenkins
  • Test cases
  • Cucumber
  • JavaScript
  • Jmeter
  • JIRA
  • TypeScript
  • Functional testing
  • Acceptance testing
  • Teamcity
  • CI/CD
  • Postman
  • Test frameworks
  • API testing
  • C# AQA
  • Azure DevOps
  • Cypress
  • Playwright

Experienced certified Agile QA Engineer with 10+ years in the testing field. Involved in testing processes, QA management, test reporting and proactively improving product quality. Has a strong communication skills, responsible and proactive team player. Like to learn new things and share them within the team.

IMPORTANT: Looking for a part-time QA related job, remotely.

QA Engineering Manager
Feb 2022 - Present
Kyiv City, Ukraine

Train and mentor both manual and automation teams in Quality best practices; Develop a repeatable process for designing, developing, and executing scripts; Conduct tests, document and analyze test results and present findings to development teams.

Stack: TypeScript, Cypress, BDD, Postman, Docker, Docker-Compose • Jenkins • CI/CD pipelines • GitHub

Senior Test Automation Engineer
May 2021 - May 2022
Kyiv City, Ukraine

Building and improving Test Automation Framework together with TA Lead, Develop and maintain automated tests for APIs and web application, Run automated tests, analyze results, report and track issues, take responsibility of QA Lead, contribute to success of a new release to production. (Additional roles: onboarding new comers, mentoring/ test analytics (reports, dashboards, QA statistics) / participating in managerial meetings with a client).

Stack: TypeScript, Cypress, Postman, Azure DevOps, DBs: MS SQL, Oracle, SQL Anywhere.

Senior QA Automation Engineer
Jul 2020 - May 2021 · 11 mos
Kyiv City, Ukraine

Leading QA activities on a couple of projects: establish testing processes, QA management, test reporting and proactively improving product quality; Drive software quality assurance lifecycle as part of an Agile process and deliver high-quality releases on time; Establish test strategies, design test plans and test cases; Develop and execute automated UI, API, and non-functional tests.

Stack: Cypress, Postman, Gitlab CI, Git, Linux. JMeter and e2e performance company's developed tool, Cloud: Amazon Web Services/Azure.

QA Tech Lead
Dec 2018 - Feb 2020 · 1 yr 3 mos
Kyiv, Ukraine

Responsible for both manual and automated testing activities across different systems, Accountable for the development and structure of the QA team, plan and implement the test strategy for the team, Providing technical guidance to other QA Engineers, Taking part in migration process to Cloud infra.

Stack: MS DevOps Azure (requirements, defects, manual and auto tests, release pipelines, dashboards); Automated API and Smoke web tests: C#, MS Visual Studio; Automated performance tests: Apache JMeter; Agile development: mixed Scrum/Kanban, user stories, bi-weekly sprints; Analyzing logs: Rapid7, NService bus; CMS: Sitecore 8; API testing: Postman, Swagger

Senior Test Engineer
Dec 2014 - Dec 2018 · 4 yrs 1 mo
Kyiv, Ukraine

Implementing an Automated Testing on the web-project using modern frameworks, Writing automated tests for web APIs.

Stack: C#, Seleno (Selenium), BDDfy, NUnit; CRM, AX, Sitecore; Apache JMeter; TeamCity, Octopus;

Verification & Validation Engineer
Oct 2012 - Dec 2014 · 2 yrs 3 mos
Kyiv, Ukraine

Creation and execution of test cases (functional, regression, acceptance, performance), Requirements analysis, testing documentation development, review and maintenance

Stack: Unix, SQL, PL/SQL, JIRA, SVN.

Test Engineer
2010 - 2012 · 2 yrs
Kyiv, Ukraine

Testing of mobile services, information systems and reports

Stack: SQL, PL/SQL, Mercury QC