Junior/Trainee Frontend Developer

22 Верес 2022
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • BEM
  • Figma
  • webpack
  • React

Hi, I am a Front-end developer and I am looking for my first job/internship.

I have been studying programming for about a year. I took many courses on YouTube, Udemy, and more. Created a project with other programmers. I have participated in many marathons dedicated to the field of IT.

I have some good projects in my portfolio that you can look at in my portfolio
- Portfolio: yur4uc.github.io/yuriyhoi/
- GitHub: https://github.com/Yur4uc

I`m looking for my first company to apply my skills at Trainee/Junior position.I like create interesting projects and solve challenging tasks. There are a couple of projects in my portfolio. You could review them by the following link:

Teacher of web and game design| Logika School
Jun 2022 - Present
I teach web design for children aged 7-17 years old | HTML&CSS, JS and more.I conduct master classes and organize various events.

IT Switch Feb - May 2022

Udemy || avaScript + React.js 2022
Now I am actively taking a course on Udemy from Ivan Petrchinko.I have a lot of practice. Passed 70% of
the course. I am studying React.js + Node.js now.

IT STEP || Fundamentals of Programming 2019 - 2020
I finished the course, and after one year I decided to leave because I realized that I want to develop in the direction of the front-end. Python was studied in the course.