Trainee/Junior Python developer

30 Січ 2023
  • Django
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Requests
  • SQL
  • Flask
  • Asyncio
  • PostgreSQL
  • Pytest
  • Git
  • Django REST framework
  • Celery
  • Docker
  • Gitlab
  • Docker compose
  • HTML5/CSS/JavaScript
  • GitHub
  • Linux Ubuntu
  • VCS Git

I am looking for a job as a junior Python developer.
So far I have 6 month practical experience in IT, but have worked with several projects on creating web sites on the Python Pro courses from Hillel IT School.

I believe that I am a suitable candidate and will be able to successfully cope with
duties described in the job posting. That's why:

- I can analyze a large amount of information in a solution
diverse tasks. I like to work with numbers
disciplines I had high scores at the university

- I try to find non-standard solutions to improve quality, while
thus reducing the time to complete the tasks.

- I know the basics of programming in order to create web-site and other programms

- My English level - Upper-intermediate (B2)

My skills: Python, Django, Django Rest framework , Flask, Docker, Docker Compose, SQL, SQLite ,Linux, Git, Github, Gitlab, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, Application containerization, Deployment on cloud providers, SQL relational databases, Client-server architecture, Work with forms, interaction with the database, Writing unit tests, Work with auxiliary servers, Data caching, reverse proxy scheme, message queue, Multithreading and multiprocessing, Static code linters.

About me: high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent skills
communication will help me become a productive assistant.
I would be grateful to you for reading my resume and feedback.