Full-Stack Developer(HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Node.js)

1 рік
2 Лют 2023
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js

Hi, I'm a Full-Stack Developer. Have good knowledge of HTML, CSS, React, Redux, React Native, Node.js and the ability to quickly learn new material. Like to work in a team, solve complex problems and work on new interesting projects. For me, personal development and the development of the company where I will work are important.

Filmoteka, Link
Team work where used HTML, SASS, Parcel, Adaptive layout, REST API, AXIOS, Pagination, Slider, Firebase.
Phone book, Link
Individual work where used React, React-router- dom, React-hook-form, React-redux, Redux-persist, Styled-components, React-animations Webpack, REST API, AXIOS.
Movies, Link
Individual work where used React, React- icons,React-router-dom, HTML, Styled-components, Webpack, Adaptive layout, REST API, AXIOS,Prop- types.
IceCream, Link
Team work where used HTML, SASS, Parcel, Adaptive layout.
WebStudio, Link
Individual work where used HTML, SASS, Adaptive layout.