Senior Android developer, Flutter developer

7 років
3 Лют 2023
  • Android
  • Java
  • Multithreading
  • RxJava
  • RxAndroid
  • Kotlin
  • Git
  • Retrofit2
  • GSON
  • Dagger2
  • REST
  • JSON
  • SQLite
  • Gradle
  • MVVM
  • MVP
  • Room
  • Android SDK
  • Android eco-system
  • Firebase
  • Clean Architecture
  • Realm
  • dart
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Flutter
  • Coroutines
  • Flutter Dart

Android development or Flutter development. Ideally - combining both.
For Android - preferrably to use Jetpack Compose

React native is unacceptable

Android development or Flutter development. Ideally - combining both.
For Android - preferrably to use Jetpack Compose

React native is unacceptable

Languages: Java, Kotlin, Dart;
Android SDK & support-libraries;
Flutter SDK;
Basic experience with React Native;

- Jetpack compose (declarative UI)
- Coroutines and flow; RxJava;
- Retrofit, OkHttp (REST API);
- Architecture Components (Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel)
- Koin, Hilt (Dependency injection);
- Firebase services (Firebase Authentication, Firestore Database, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Crashlytics, App Distribution)
- JUnit4, Truth, Espresso (Testing);
- Picasso, Glide (Images);
- Lottie (Animation);
- Experience with different programming patterns (MVP, MVVM, MVI) and Clean Architecture principles;
- Databases (SQLite, Realm, Room, ObjectBox);
- Working with payment systems (PayPal, LiqPay, In-app Billing, PayFort);
- Mixpanel statistics;
- In-app purchase;
- Launchdarkly;

- Futures, Streams;
- Experience with different programming patterns (BLoC, Cubit);
- REST API (Dio, Retrofit, HttpClient);
- Firebase services;
- Hive Database, Shared Preferences;
- Localization; MethodChannel;Authentication;

- Git, Bitbucket;
- Jira, Atlassian Confluence;
- Figma, Zeplin, InVision;
- Swagger;