QA Engineer

1 рік
4 Лют 2023
  • Scrum
  • Checklist
  • Test cases
  • SQL
  • Manual testing
  • TestRails
  • JIRA
  • automation testing
  • Mobile testing
  • JEST
  • Test Documentation
  • Cypress
  • WEB testing
  • Test Plan
  • Decomposition
  • Bug report
  • Test Designing
  • Test documentation writing/maintenance
  • test design technics

A well-motivated and inspired QA Engineer. Familiar with the staples of the work such as SDLC, STLC, TD Techniques, and approaches to the testing. Believe that the perfect bug report will change the World as well as the documentation. Have experience in working as a Scrum team. Tend to learn something new. Consider knowledge as a life-long thing. Open-minded and aware of the principles the Internet is based on.

I have experience in this sphere, worked on different projects. Mostly it was about Manual Testing, but I also know the basics of Automation Testing. Also, I have a strong background in solving algorithmic tasks using JS and I'm familiar with DOM, HTML, CSS, SASS, and React a little.
I have a good grasp of teamwork, as I was a part of a Scrum team. I worked with some vital QA Engineer tools such as Jira, TestRail, and Postman, have polished skills in writing test cases and bug reports.
I'm an open-minded and curious person, sometimes an overachiever. I'm good with people and have experience working as a teacher for most age groups. Supportive and not indifferent. Enduring as the Ukrainians are.
Have a B2 level in English and don't have plans for ceasing my progress in its development.