React Developer

1 рік
5 Лют 2023
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Photoshop
  • LESS
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • BEM
  • ReactJS
  • Figma
  • Bootstrap
  • Gulp
  • webpack
  • Flexbox
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Redux
  • React+Redux
  • Cross-browser markup
  • Responsive markup
  • React.js
  • ReactJS(redux)
  • React Hooks
  • React-Router
  • React-Hooks
  • Hooks React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • React web
  • React Navigation
  • React JS
  • React / Redux
  • Redux-Query
  • React Router


Programing Languages: Javascript(main, with knowledge of the latest standards), Typescript(main), HTML, CSS, C++(basic), Python(basic), Node.js(Express) basic

Libraries, platforms and technologies: React (React Context API, Styled-Components, React Router, React Query, React Testing Libraries), Redux Toolkit, Firebase, Docker, Webpack, GULP, JEST, RESTful API, SASS/SCSS

Development environments: VS code, GIT

Frontend JavaScript Engineer with about 1,5 years of development. Work on web applications and services using JavaScript technologies stack. My main specialization is frontend development (React, Redux). Communicative, flexible thinking, result-oriented, positive attitude to life, precision and attention to detail.

Role: Frontend Developer
Project Name: Cinema website
Description: The training project is for finding movies with the ability to edit and add your movies. Responsibilities:
- UI-related changes with an adaptive approach
- Markup
- libraries researching: Formik
- Implementation of features and logic for edit and add films
- Bug fixes
Technologies: JavaScript, React, React Context, Styled-Components
Role: Frontend Developer
Project Name: Pump Company
Description: Website for a company engaged in the sale of equipment and service for the provision of pumping stations during construction. Also, the company provides specialists for training in the use of special equipment.

- Markup
- UI-related changes with an adaptive approach
- Implementation of new features and logic for rendering new equipments on page - Bug fixes
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, Webpack
Role: Frontend Developer
Project Name: Weather App
Description: The training project for checking the weather forecast in cities. The web application shows you the current weather in your city and for the next 5 days. Also, you can add cities to your favorite. And from the "Favourite" page you can check the weather in your favorite city faster. Responsibilities:
- Implementation of features and logic
- Libraries researching: Redux toolkit with Redux Query, React Router
- Bug fixes
- UI-related changes with an adaptive approach
Technologies: TypeScript, React, Styled-Components, Redux Toolkit, React Query, React Router
Role: Frontend Developer
Project Name: Rent bicycle app.
Description: Web application about renting bicycles in accessible cities. The user chooses the city and can to see in a live stream where is the nearest bike that he can rent. Then he should choose a time for rent and make a payment.
- Libraries researching: Stripe API, Redux toolkit, React routers
- Implementation of new features and logic
- UI-related changes with an adaptive approach
- Bug fixes
Technologies: Javascript, React, Redux toolkit, React routers, Styled components
Role: Frontend Developer
Project Name: Admin panel
Description: The company is engaged in the creation of sensors for tracking problems in pipelines. The goal was to create an administration panel for companies to track pipe problems in sub-territories and to fix the breakdown sooner.
- Markup
- UI-related changes with an adaptive approach
- Libraries researching: React testing libraries, Jest
- Covered components and containers with unit tests
- Implementation of features and logic
- Bug fixes
Technologies: Typescript, React, Styled-components, React Testing Library, Jest