IT Recruiter

2 роки
3 Груд 2022

Objective: employment in positions recruiter, Talent Acquisition Specialist
My main goal - is building a long-term and trusting relationships with candidates.

Work Experience:
Company “StrongSD”
Position: IT Recruiter
-provide full-cycle recruitment of IT positions:
 candidate search using different tools (LinkedIn, Telegram chats, Boolean search, X-ray search, Djinni, Stack Overflow, Gitter, Meetup, CV spot, Turbo hiring, Dou, Behance, search for candidates in donor companies);
 evaluation and analysis of resumes of candidates according to the vacancy requirements;
 conducting interviews;
 building trust and long-term relationships with candidates;
 provide timely feedback;
-building a strategy for finding the best candidates for open positions;
-communicate with candidates at all stages of selection;
- work with ERP system.
June 2021- present

Recruitment agency “Owlaba”
Position: Recruiter
-posting current vacancies and finding candidates for open vacancies;
-selection relevant channels for placement vacancies of different levels;
-evaluation and analysis of candidates' resumes according to the vacancy requirements;
-pre-screening candidates (short interview with the candidate by phone, skype);
- reporting;
-control over the adaptation of new employees (first month).

November 2020 – April 2021

Ltd. "Express Media sHab"
Position: journalist in the newspaper “History+”
Responsibilities: writing historical articles in a scientific-popular style, interesting to the general public. This writing articles related to topics of Ukrainian history and the world. Also have experience in writing for medical, social-political and agricultural issues.
From November 2014 till November 2017

National University "Lviv Polytechnic"
Qualification – Sociologist (master's degree).

Additional education:
SP (“Staffing Partner”) “Recruitment Academy”- 18 lectures and practical tasks.
June – July 2021

Video course "IT-recruiting" (School of IT-RECRUITING “INSIDE- IT” Oksana Kravchenko).
December 2020 - January 2021
Course Human Resource Manager “Kuznya Kadriv”
From November till December 2016