10 та більше років
5 Груд 2022
  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Checklist
  • SQL
  • Selenium
  • Manual testing
  • TestRails
  • Trello
  • Functional testing
  • HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript
  • TestRail
  • Jira & Confluence

I have been involved in quality control, quality assurance and quality management for many years. I am a coach on this topic. I understand and apply the Deming PDCA cycle and SDLC, STLC.
To obtain a Manual QA Engineer position on the WEB project in a great company for improving software products with future professional growth to a QA Automation or Professional Penetration Tester

My name's Oleksandr. I am from Ukraine. I'm ready to relocate in case of a job offer. I've already achieved a lot of new skills, but keep on improving. Could you check my CV, please? Maybe my candidacy will be a good match for your requirements. And this is my CV site developed by myself I'm ready to work both full-time and remote basis. My salary expectations start from $400, but I am ready to consider various offers and conditions.
Why did I choose to become a QA Engineer?
First of all, I did work with Quality all my life. For many years I've been working on Quality Management System development and implementation in Ukrainian companies. These were the systems that followed the international standard such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and many others. I had experience in implementing the process in companies with different scopes. This is what I love and what is close to my heart. I have a perfect understanding of what is Quality assurance and Quality Control and I recognize the differences between them. Also, I have experience in Lean Production, like the Kanban methodology. It is mentioned on my GitHub.
I've really improved my SOFT SKILLS as well, like coaching, patience, respect for other opinions, punctuality, finding root causes, resolving conflicts, and motivating subordinates.
Second. I lost my last full-time job due to the war that began in our country.
Now I have been working successfully on uTest platform for 8 months. I received a BRONZE rating on this platform. I successfully finished SkillUp training in Software Testing by passing exams and practice work.
My last project on the uTest was NVIDIA's Developer Portal. In the review scope, the test cycle was written to do GUI testing where the task is to check any text issues such as alignment, overlapping, readability, etc., and ensure text links are still clickable and working as expected. In this test cycle, I found the bug: the “Learn more” button overlaps the photos on the Homepage with a resolution of 300X600. Also, I used Chrome Developer Tools and I found a few pages with the mistake type 404 (Page not found). This testing experience is posted on my GitHub I offer repositories review with the title "_Testing".
I have several hobbies. I like when I am doing something with my own hands. For example, last year I built in my house solar power plant by myself. I was glad that it worked. I watched a lot of videos and read different articles about it. They've really improved my understanding of how to build it, so later I made a solar tracking system for it. That was in February this year. This system is tracking the movement of the sun and keeps the solar panel perpendicularly to the sun so it works with maximum efficiency. I used to do many other handmade which you can find on my GitHub
I like to read. Usually, these are management books. I love learning something new from this topic. For example, when I read about an Agile methodology, I immediately used it and still continue using it in my work. Scrum and Kanban are very helpful to do something fast and most important of high quality. I love thinking, maybe even dreaming of how I could use these innovations in my future works. Also, I like watching shows on Netflix. I am delighted with Ozark and Breaking Bad shows. I love to play Mario Kart with my grandson on the Nintendo switch. In fact, I feel better when I am watching my grandson play LEGO Brawl.
I am the happiest father in the world. I have the best my son. He has been working at an IT company in a Project Management position for 5 years yet. He achieved his dream to work at the STALKER’s game. I am very proud of it.
"Defeat? I don't understand the meaning of the word. Never give up, and you will see others give up. Margaret Thatcher"
In fact, in my life, my favourite phrase: “Help others even when you know they can’t help you back”