Python developer

1 рік
7 Груд 2022
  • HTML5
  • Django
  • Python
  • CSS3
  • Multiprocessing
  • Requests
  • Unit Testing
  • SQL
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • Asyncio
  • PostgreSQL
  • Pytest
  • Gunicorn
  • Django REST framework
  • Celery
  • Numpy
  • Docker
  • HTTP
  • HTML
  • json
  • Docker compose
  • Sqlite
  • Python 3

Мене звати Вадим я зараз активно шукаю роботу за фахом Python Developer. Я працюю з Python вже близько року, знаюся на Django, Django REST, SQL, HTML, CSS, та маю високий рівень англійської.

I graduated with a master's degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, I have experience in developing web applications in Python, Django, Django REST Framework, also well familiar with Web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and databases (PostgreSQL, SQLite).

I have a lot of experience working in international teams. My English level is Upper-Intermediate, so I can speak it fluently.

From my previous position, I gained a lot of experience in creating teams and organizing their effective work. Also, I strive to constantly develop, learn something new and share knowledge with others.