Senior Web Developer

4 роки
11 Груд 2022

A mechanical engineer whose engine pumps JavaScript now. I’m a community-taught developer with over 4 years of experience and no longer fear breaking the web. As an engineer, I take challenges heads on and love solving complex problems.

My name is Usman Khalil and I'm a community taught software engineer who takes pride in high quality deliverability and being a team player in smaller yet focused startups.

I'm mechanical engineer by profession but moved to web development back in 2018. Since then, I haven't looked back and immersed myself deep into learning web and its fundamentals. Over the years, I've been part of so many amazing things.

My primary technology stack is MERN with hands on experience in React and Next.js. React wasn't my first framework and I came from Angular background but it very natural and closed to JS than any other one in line. I still go back to Angular and Vue from time to time for learning new patterns and updates. Vue 3 and Angular 14 are such a huge update.

With JavaScript as first language, it was only natural to use Node.js as backend served language. Working fullstack made me love TypeScript. Hard on first sight, I can't think of building application without it now. Onto database fronts, I'm very comfortable with MongoDB but do like using relational DBs such as PostgrSQL.

Finally, I learned it hardway but testing especially are fundamental part of development. If you aren't writing tests, you're doing it wrong way.

I pick up new technologies and build a thing or two. Please have a look on my GitHub profile for my latest works.

Wow, you really made it to end. I thank you sincerely and looking forward to building a meaningful connection.