dotnet developer

10 та більше років
19 Груд 2022
  • MySQL
  • Xamarin
  • Mstest
  • Autofaq
  • SQL
  • C#
  • Nunit
  • xUnit
  • PostgreSQL
  • Moq
  • Fakes
  • LINQ
  • T-SQL
  • WCF
  • WWF
  • EF
  • SSIS
  • Redis
  • Azure
  • RabbitMQ
  • MongoDB
  • .NET Framework
  • .NET Core
  • .NET
  • ASP.Net MVC
  • Entity Framework
  • MS SQL
  • NoSQL
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Cosmos DB

experienced developer with dotnet as primary stack. doing mostly backends, with wasm based frontends. cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast.

More than 20 years of coding for food. From projects completely done within 1 day to huge enterprise systems. Various business domains. Outsourcing and product companies. Successful and failed startups. Working as one-man-army or as a team player. Leading teams with up to 10 members.

My primary technical stack is everything .NET based with emphasis on backend development. More than
5 years I try to focus on blockchains and distributed systems alike.

I always try to avoid dealing with legacy technologies, every project should bring fresh technical experience. For instance, all the latest solutions were released to production using preview versions of .NET, thus minimizing the pain of the future migration.