Manual QA evangelist

4 роки
20 Груд 2022
  • Android
  • MySQL
  • Checklist
  • Windows
  • Selenium
  • Git
  • Figma
  • iOS
  • MongoDB
  • Kibana
  • Android studio
  • Android SDK
  • Test cases
  • Manual testing
  • Responsive markup
  • Regression testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Firebase
  • HTML5/CSS/JavaScript
  • тестирование API (Postman/Fiddler)
  • Swagger
  • Azure DevOps
  • Linux Ubuntu
  • Jira & Confluence
  • Unity3D
  • Basic C#
  • Chrome devtools
  • Charles
  • Unity hub
  • ADB
  • Python/Java basic
  • API & web services testing
  • Crowd testing
  • Non-/Functional testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • Black/White-box testing

Hiya! I am here to show you some Quality 🙌.
I'm at the point of my life when I'm both ready and capable of doing the things that matter - to me and to the future of the society I live in. I want to be sure whatever skills I posses I may use them for the cause that makes a difference. That means I'm looking for values that will explicitly reflect those of my own.

I've got strong theoretical knowledge and more than 4 years of practical experience in the manual testing field. I've got extensive experience in eSports, beta-testing, blockchain, healthcare, gamedev, and would like to develop myself as a Software Tester. I'm a fast learner, details-oriented, deadlines, and deliverables focused. Gaming-, good intentions- & eco-projects inspired. Upper-Intermediate English.