NodeJs Backend developer

3 роки
22 Груд 2022
  • MySQL
  • RESTful APIs
  • Express.js
  • JavaScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Kafka
  • Postgres
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • Redis
  • DynamoDB
  • WebSockets
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL
  • Gitlab
  • Serverless
  • Algorithms and Data Structure
  • Node.js
  • Microservices architecture
  • Amazon AWS
  • CI/CD
  • NodeJS
  • SQL databases
  • Apigee
  • GraphQL API
  • Client Server Architecture
  • Backend development
  • AWS Lambda
  • noSQL databases
  • Mongoose
  • Telegram Bot API
  • Koa
  • Splunk

-Three years of commercial experience in NodeJs
-One year of commercial experience in typescript
- Bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from the National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Max percentage distribution for the backend/frontend tasks - 80/20

-Three years of commercial experience in NodeJs
-One year of commercial experience in typescript
Bachelor’s Degree in Applied mathematics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (September 2017 - June 2021).
Web development:
❏ Technologies: NodeJS, REST API, Web Sockets, RPC, GraphQL, Backendless, Event-driven architecture, Aws Lambda, microservices architecture.
❏ Languages: Javascript, Typescript.
❏ Frameworks: Express, Koa, Nest, React.
❏ Testing: Mocha, Jest.

❏ MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, DynamoDb, Oracle.
Version control:
❏ System: Git.
❏ Services: Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket.
❏ OS: Linux,macOS, Windows.
❏ Hosting: Heroku, DigitalOcean, GC, ElasticBean, Kubernetes.
Soft skills:
❏ Fundamental knowledge of algorithms and data structures.
❏ Knowledge of OOP.
❏ Understanding of software development lifecycle, JIRA, Scrum, Agile. ❏ Knowledge of software design patterns.SOLID, KISS, DRY...
❏ Russian, Ukrainian ❏ English