Middle Python developer

2 роки
23 Груд 2022
  • Django
  • Python
  • Multiprocessing
  • Requests
  • Flask
  • Celery
  • Docker
  • Redis
  • FastAPI
  • drf

Highly motivated Python Backend Developer offering more
than 2 years of experience in
web development and
exceptional analytical and
critical thinking skills. Able to
deliver a proactive approach,
great work ethic, and the
ability to function well in fast paced/deadline-driven team

Zeon IT (March 2021 - Present)
Responsible for researching and applying new automation tools for the SPA project. Responsible for improvement and improvement of applied tools.
Participated in projects in the team of which there were from 6
developers, implemented such projects as: an online store, a charity site, a site for the sale of goods and services, and much more.

Role: Python Developer

∙ developed e-commerce projects and CRM software from scratch on frameworks
∙ divide technical tasks by sprint
∙ create architecture of software and database
∙ choose optimized technologies for specific tasks

Technical scope: Python, HTML, CSS, SQL
Django, DRF, Flask, FastAPi, Celery, Docker, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Docker, Nginx, Jira, Slack, Postman, Redis, Docker.

Goog LCC
May 2021 - March 2022
Role: Back-end developer
- Development from the beginning.
- Development of two-levels of admin user.
- Integration of the payment system.
- Writing unit tests.
- Coordinating with development teams to determine application requirements.
- Implemented geolocation, QR generation.