10 та більше років
23 Груд 2022

I am an experienced and innovative HR Change Agent. A skilled leader, I am able to transform enterprises by leveraging an incisive mindset and the ability to optimize corporate teams, processes, and client engagement frameworks to secure corporate objectives.

I have 15+ years of experience working in HR BP, and HRD positions. My hard skills are as follows:
• HR team management
• HR strategy
• Company branding
• Communication system
• Total rewards
• Training and development
• Performance management
• Change management.

My successful project management experience to share was regarding:
- recruitment automation
- KPI and OKR implementation
- development of loyalty programs
- HiPo, content, and talent development
- a collaboration with universities and different training systems for particular specialists within the company
- personnel assessments and comprehensive structured diagnostics
- coaching top teams and team building.