Graphic designer

10 та більше років
23 Груд 2022
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Figma
  • Adobe inDesign

Hello, I am a graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. I am also interested in information architecture and UX design, I have worked with different CMS and created websites using site builders. Right now I'm temporarily in Portugal and I'm looking for a remote job related to graphic design and UX/UI design.

I am a graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. At different periods of life, there were more of something, something less. For many years I was engaged in book design, inventing book concepts and engaged in printing support. For the last 5 years I have been mainly engaged in photography, reportage, theatrical portraiture, but design was still with me. I am also interested in information architecture and UX design, I have worked with different CMS and created websites using site builders. I really love pure art, and at the same time I constantly strive to solve client problems.
Right now I'm temporarily in Portugal and I'm looking for a remote job related to graphic design. I am also interested in UI/UX design and would like to do an internship.
I am looking for a place where I could apply my experience and skills, as well as learn new things.