Frontend developer

1 рік
6 Січ 2023
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Figma
  • Responsive markup
  • React
  • Node.js

* Filmoteka [HTML, SASS, JS, REST API,
AJAX, Parcel]. Application for choosing a
movie. Role: Developer. Wrote the logic of the
movie search form by keyword and the logic
of the render movie display component on
the page.
* Search Images [HTML, SASS, JS, REST API,
AJAX, Parcel]. Created the front-end part of
the keyword search and image
* WebStudio [HTML, SASS] Website with
a responsive layout. Role: Developer.
Developed the website page.

* Filmoteka [HTML, SASS, JS, REST API,
AJAX, Parcel]. Application for choosing a
movie. Role: Developer. Wrote the logic of the
movie search form by keyword and the logic
of the render movie display component on
the page.
* Search Images [HTML, SASS, JS, REST API,
AJAX, Parcel]. Created the front-end part of
the keyword search and image viewer.
* Icecreamlanding [HTML, SASS]
Website with a responsive layout. Role:
Developer. I designed the footer.
* WebStudio [HTML, SASS] Website with
a responsive layout. Role: Developer.
Developed the website page.