Python developer

1 рік
6 Січ 2023
  • Django
  • Python
  • Requests
  • SQL
  • Selenium
  • Flask
  • Asyncio
  • Spark
  • PostgreSQL
  • Pytest
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Django REST framework
  • Celery
  • Numpy
  • Docker
  • AWS EC2
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • SQLite
  • FastAPI
  • Scrapy
  • Beautiful Soup

Well-motivated Python Developer looking for opportunities to implement my knowledge and practical skills in Python development. I have a strong understanding of Python/OOP, Django, SQL, and relational databases. Well familiar with Web Scraping, HTML, CSS, Git/Github, and also have experience with Docker. Have an Upper-intermediate level of English. Currently studying at KROK university majoring in computer science.
I’m looking forward to improving my skills on real projects.

Python Developer,
Pet projects, Sept 2022 - Present
See some of my projects at:
Online Taxi Service
Technologies: Python, Django, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Render.
Project with session authentication functionality, ability to add or modify new cars, manufacturers, and drivers (with the same rights) to DB, you also can see this project deployed on Heroku and visit with a guest account.
Link on repository:
Link on Render:
Cinema API
Technologies: Python, Django, REST/DRF, Swagger, PostgreSQL, Docker.
An API project with JWT authentication functionality, a list of n points where you can do some actions depending on your rights: managing orders, and tickets, creating new cinema halls, movies with actors, and genres, adding movie sessions, and seeing all n points of the project with swagger n point. Also in this project was added docker which can build an image of the project and up a container with PostgreSQL image.
Link on repository:
Institution: KROK University
Specialty: Computer Science
Technologies: Python OOP (PyQt), C# ,OOP, Artificial Intelligence,
Computer networks and administration, Data analyzing
Qualification and Degree: Bachelor's degree
Dates Attended: [2020-2024]
City: Kyiv
Successfully passed “Introduction to Python for Cybersecurity “ course on Coursera

Successfully passed “LOW-CODE DEVELOPMENT APPS” course from terrasoft

Successfully passed “Creation and development of IT products” course from Genesis

Python course at Mate academy
(OOP, Python, Django, REST Framework, Docker, SQL, Git/Github, HTML, CSS)