Python Developer

1 рік
10 Січ 2023
  • Python
  • Object Oriented Design
  • MySQL
  • Requests
  • Pytest
  • Git
  • PyEnv
  • Gitlab
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Beautiful Soup
  • Python+pytest+Selenium WebDriver
  • Databases: MySQL;

I am a Python developer, I have Hard skills:
- Python
- Object-oriented programming
- Development and maintenance of applications under the database Mongodb, MySQL, SQLlite
- Develop chatbots, web scrapers, crawlers

I am a Python developer, I have Hard skills:
- Python
- Object-oriented programming
- Development and maintenance of applications under the database Mongodb, MySQL, SQLlite
- Develop chatbots, web scrapers, crawlers
- Django, REST-API
I work on a powerful PC, with fast Internet. Constantly raising the level of my knowledge, passing courses, conferences.
There is a problem with the finished code? Need to collect data from the site? Create something new? Then I'm waiting for you, in touch 24/7.