hr business partner

8 років
12 Січ 2023
  • Communication
  • Time management,
  • Research
  • Interviews
  • Strategic planning
  • Team Building
  • CV screening
  • HR
  • Recruiting
  • • Organizational and Effective Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Analyst
  • performance review
  • Learning and Development
  • engagement & retention
  • Talent Management

Expertise in:
Creation of a recruiting and onboarding system
Internal сommunication
Work ethic and flexibility
Evaluation of teams
Creation of L&D system
Doing educational online courses
Development and implementation C&B
HR analytics
Elaboration of hr strategy and operational plans
Systematization and automation of HR process
Emergent of HR brand
Solving problems

HR and HRD experience in service companies, offline and online trading, digital advertising agency, E-Commerce. Network companies with up to 600 employees.
Experience in a previous company:
Team management of 4 people
Planning tasks by the strategic goals of the projects.
Assessment of team results, providing constructive feedback, motivation, and performance development.
production of an effective system of staff recruitment.
Creationan educational system for all company (offline/online)
Caryng out and analysis of satisfaction and engagement poll.
Leading a project on the description and implementation of work standards, including clients service standards.
Taking part in interviews, adaptation, retention.
Providing motivation for staff, risk assessment.
Work with key employees, development of team leaders. etc.

Over the past 2 years...
Organized the hr system in the network of beauty salons.
Launched an effective recruiting department
Established a communication system in the company
Created online courses for key positions
Elaborated and realized the onboarding and competency assessment system
Described the network's customer service standards and created a system of evaluation and countermeasures for their compliance