QA Engineer

до 3-х місяців
12 Січ 2023
  • Scrum
  • SQL
  • Trello
  • JIRA
  • XML
  • Postman
  • JSON
  • TestRail
  • DBeaver

I am a QA Engineer with the personality of a perfectionist. I am passionate about what I do and I want to be a part of the team that tends to constant growth and development. I love to learn new things and develop my skills. I am creative and proactive. Ambitious, eager to keep growing and evolving in my profession as QA Engineer with a strong aim to become QA Automation in the nearest future


Test documentation creation:
Test cases
Bug reports
SQL requests through DBeaver
White-box Technics: Statement, Branch coverage

Healthy Eating App QA (Manual) - Team Lead:
Creating and implementing of Checklist, Bug reports
Equal distribution of responsibilities within QA team members
Finding solutions for blockers
Communication with Developers Team, Mentors of the project
work experience
Achievements of the QA team: finding mistakes and inaccuracies preventing appearing bugs on the planning stage, finding bugs just after product's modules release, experience of work by the Scrum methodology

TM OV2U – Ukrainian manufacturer of kids and teenagers clothing, SMM | July 2020 - August 2022
Successfully created from the scratch and managed on-line pages for two shops which opened new sours of wholesale partners (more than 50 new clients from Facebooks, Instagram, Google My Business social media;);
Competitor's and Market analytics and researches;

Self-employed, Interpreter of English | February 2016- July 2020
Provided with translation services.
Successfully helped to understand Ukrainian laws and making deals; Prevented misunderstandings and failures in official documentation and while business meetings

IT School GoIT
QA Engineer | August 2022 / November 2022

International on-line school LABA
Sales Management | April 2021

IT School Beetroot Academy
Digital Marketing | February 2020 / July 2020

Kremenchuk University of Economics and New Technologies
Marketing | 2000/2007