Full stack js web developer

8 років
21 Січ 2023
  • Python
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • ReactJS
  • Node.JS

I am a qualified web developer with a little experience creating websites and databases. In addition, my background working in development teams of the BAS accounting system has given me the skills to adjust to the changing dynamics and be result-oriented.

During this period I am working on a pet project to practice my skills as a web developer. The project is called "Images Gallery" which consists of the frontend and backend parts . The frontend is built using JavaScript React. The backend API is built using Python Flask. Also, there was a database MongoDB where all saved images are stored. I am convinced this project gives me a real insight into practical full stack web development including JavaScript, React, Python, Flask, API, Git and Docker.
To start with, I was working on the designing of the databases in BAS for Ukrainian enterprises. My positive experience working in development teams of the BAS accounting system has given me the skills of teamwork, adaptability and meeting project deliverable deadlines. I was involved in the design of subsystem functionality and managed enhancement requests after each rollout in projects based on BAS applications.
Previously, I had finished the course for Full stack js developers at Freshcode school in Zaporizhzhya and I got professional knowledge in web development. Also, I have a certificate from Udemy school which was in the English language. This course teaches how to create a Full Stack web application with frontend, backend, and database parts.
As for my personality, I could describe myself as a responsible, communicative person. My hobby is volleyball, where I have to work in a team, so I am good at working on projects in teams and I am good at negotiations. So, I am a proven team player, which is another important requirement for this position. By the way, I am a very creative person as I dance Latina and it requires such skills as willpower and synchronization of my mind and movement, so it helps me in projects as I am good at working on focusing.