
10 та більше років
22 Січ 2023

A strong HR with +10 years of experience in both roles as Recruiter and as HR. Able to develop and implement HR strategy. Also met the challenges of recruiting, adaptation, learning and development, bild business processes, etc.


06/2021 – present – IT-recruiter Recruiting It agency
● Sourcing, Executive search and hiring of IT-specialists of different levels: .NET, Test
Automation, C++, DevOps (Systems Engineer), Ruby, Python, QA, Business|Data Analyst,
and other positions and directions.
● Regular using of Boolean, Linkedin, Djinni, DOU, TurboHiring etc.
● Analysis of candidates' resumes;
● Organization and coordination of the next round of interviews with the resource
manager and customer.

01/ 2019- 06/2021- Senior Executive Search Consultant
● Finding Clients
● Sourcing, Executive search and hiring non IT-specialists of different levels:Top-managers,
middle managers and mass selection of specialists for retail, restaurant, agricultural
sector, real estate.
● Own the full cycle recruiting process

02/ 2019- 12/2019- HRBP contract
Shopping and entertainment center"Dream club" (80 staff)
● Staffed from 60% to 95% and reduced recruitment costs.
● Reduced churn by 20%.
● An effective onboarding program has been developed.
A network of kindergartens and lounge cafes “One seven kids community (50 staff)
● Personnel assessment was carried out;
● Developed KPIs;
● Implemented an adaptation program, checklists, operating standards, instructions for all
business areas of the mall (sports, restaurant, educational center, kids club)

05/2017- 02/2019 Head of HR Pizza Celentano, Puri Chveni, Toki,Tirlo, Bellini (restaurant
business) 500 staff
● Creation and development of the personnel management system.
● Creation of methodology, regulations and procedures in the field of personnel management.
● Development of the system of recruitment, adaptation, assessment and development of personnel
exit Interviews,:
● Training and development staff;
● Formation and development of organizational culture (values, norms and rules, rituals, etc.).
● Formation of an effective system of relations in the company. Development and implementation
of internal communication, organization of corporate events.
● Advising senior executives on issues related to the company's personnel.
Key achievements:
● Improved social package;
● Optimized staffing schedule;
● Maintained 95% retention rate and 8% attrition rate;
● Implemented communication and involvement program;
● Implemented training projects for staff and middle managers and PDP ,assessment,

02/2012 - 05/2017 Lead Training and development manager Varus (national supermarket chain)
8000+ staff
● Creation adaptation, onboarding programs;
● Development of job descriptions, regulations, teaching materials, presentations etc
● Creation online training model (e-learning);
● Formation of the personnel reserve;
● Participation in the development of KPI;
● Development, organization and conduct of training;
● Interaction with educational institutions (high schools, vocational schools), seminars, open
● Mass recruitment.
Key achievements:
● Project of training of personnel reserve and external candidates (cashier, senior cashier,
sales area administrator) including: job profile, competencies, training program, training
materials, testing, skill training.
● Organizing the work of the cashier unit from scratch at the opening of 13 sales outlets:
control over the provision and installation of cash equipment, license, sealing of fiscal
registers, preparation of appropriate cash documentation, recruitment and training of
staff, stock control, ordering, interaction with suppliers, etc.).;
● The project of training of sales personnel on the Company's standards (master-classes,
group discussions) and the increase of the mystery shoppers satisfaction questionnaire
from 75 to 90 points.
● Project of HRM training on methods of personnel selection and adaptation was

1. DUEP "Psychology" 2017
2. UDCT "Chemical Technology and engineering" 2008
3. MIGIS, Gestalt Therapy, (2015)
4. Ukrainian Association of NLP "Business Trainer", "Presenter and developer of training programs"
5. NLP-Practitioner (2018)
6. Physiognomy for HR (2018)
7. Human Resources Management (2018)
8. Training "Personal Effectiveness" (2018).
9. Fish Course in Copywriting, Storytelling and Content. (2020)
10. Building a Strong Team" Business Constructor (2020)
11. Finance for HR (2021)
12. Career coach (2022)