IT Sourcer/IT Recruiter

2 роки
23 Січ 2023
  • Trello
  • IT Recruitment
  • Research
  • Interviews
  • CV screening
  • X-Ray
  • Djinni
  • Recruiting

• Full cycle of recruiting process for IT specialists;
• Staying in touch with candidate during post-offer stage;
• Maintaining recruiting related reports;
• Providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates;
• Monitoring and analyzing job market.

In my current company, I fulfill the role and duties of a recruiter and HR, preparing offers, contracts, and NDA.
I lead the full cycle of recruiting from A to Z.
I had the experience of working in an agency and a full-time out-staff company.
Of the tasks: searching and maintaining candidates for various technical vacancies, and different levels of seniority.
I am appointing interviews and checking candidates for soft skills / English / reviewing motivation, as well as conducting candidates at all stages of the interview and providing feedback on each stage.
I had experience communicating with customers from the USA and Israel (in written English).