Junior Quality Assurance (QA)

до 3-х місяців
26 Січ 2023
  • Python
  • Checklist
  • Test cases
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Agile/Scrum
  • Smoke testing
  • Postman
  • testing (Web, Mobile)
  • Youtrack
  • Jira
  • Unreal Engine
  • Blender
  • Test Plan
  • Bug report
  • GameDev
  • MobileGames
  • Chrome devtools
  • Non-/Functional testing

I am a junior QA tester with a strong attention to detail. Since I started testing, I've learned the importance of being attentive and a team player. I enjoy new challenges, which makes me strive to develop myself and improve my skills in this area.

I am a junior QA tester with a strong attention to detail. Since I started testing, I've learned the importance of being attentive and a team player. I enjoy new challenges, which makes me strive to develop myself and improve my skills in this area. I am familiar with testing theory (e.g. from Savin's book "Dot Com Testing"). Including being a game tester or more precisely a qa-engineer on a game server. My goal is to succeed in a complex and innovative QA work environment and strive to reach my full potential and subsequently become a leader with the skills and knowledge to create high-quality products. That's why I'm looking for a company that will give me the opportunity to learn and develop as a QA tester.

October 2022 – December 2022
Game project "RISE"
QA tester
Participation in sprint planning
Testing the game server
Checking the program from the perspective of the
expert and the average user, looking for bugs and
assessing the functionality of the product.
Writing reports on bugs found in YouTrack
Developed TOR for the game project under the name
"Mining Farm".
Participated in the project: testing game server.