Frontend Developer

27 Січ 2023
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Photoshop
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • BEM
  • Figma
  • Canvas
  • webpack
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Redux
  • MongoDB
  • Git/GitHub
  • Handlebars
  • Parcel

I'm Software Developer and i'm looking for new challenges and have a huge desire to develop as a Frontend developer. I want create high-quality and user-friendly Web products from scratch.
I have profound knowledge of HTML5/CSS3, including preprocessors and frameworks. Moreover, I have a good understanding of responsive web design and good competence in working with both native JavaScript and frameworks (React).

Web-studia (
Individual project. Website with adaptive layout for a web studio.

FoodSta (
HTML, SASS, JS, Parcel
Application for choosing food, website with adaptive layout. Role: team leader. Build project on github, check for build errors and live page performance. Created a section "Favorites" and button "back to top".

Cocktails (
HTML, SASS, JS, Parcel
Application for choosing coctails, website with adaptive layout. Role: Scrum Master. Work with a team, distribution of tasks and priorities, work according to the Scrum methodology, project presentation. Created a section "Cocktails".

Capusta (
HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux, Parcel
A personal budget control application, a tool for tracking expenses, income and the balance between them. Role: Developer. Working with a team using the Scrum methodology. I was engaged in the development of the authorization page and input for entering data and selecting categories.