Angular developer

3 роки
2 Лют 2023
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • RxJS
  • Angular Material
  • ngrx
  • Angular2+
  • NestJS

Full-Stack Developer with 3 years of experience with Angular 2+ and NestJs(NodeJs).

Developed projects for startups and private businesses. My duties included creating new products, developing new features for existing projects, upgrading legacy codebase etc.

Full-Stack Developer with 10 years of experience developing web applications, 3 of which like Angular + NodeJs developer.
Developed projects for startups and private businesses. My duties included creating new products, developing new features for existing projects, upgrading legacy codebase etc.

Frontend: Angular 2+, JavaScript/TypeScript, AntDesign, Angular Material, PrimeNG,
RxJS, NgRx, Akita, Apollo GraphQl
Backend: PHP, Laravel, Yii2, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, .Net Core
Others: REST API, WebSockets, GraphQL, gRPC

Interested primarily in front-end Angular jobs.