Python Engineer (Google Firebase/OAuth 2.0 & AWS)

Stozhok Viktoria , Greenm
5 Берез 2024
  • Django
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • Django REST framework
  • AWS
  • startup
  • Google Firebase

For the development of a product from an environmental program that encourages and rewards people for participating in environmental activities, we are looking for a Python Engineer who will strengthen the team to achieve the project’s goals (Ad-hoc scaling).
*Brief Responsibilities:
Designing and implementing internal development strategies to meet the client’s business requirements, using Python and its frameworks to build scalable and maintainable applications.

*Your background:

Higher technical education;

3+ years of practical experience in the role of Python Software Engineer Python Developer, etc.;

Experience in participating in the implementation of projects and products from scratch.

Skills, competencies:

Proactive teamwork, ability to influence and support a team of engineers;

Ability to translate high-level business and technical requirements into technical results;

Flexible delivery thinking;

Willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and technical stacks;

Fluent or fluent spoken English;

Experience working in an Agile team environment.

*Technical knowledge:

Deep understanding of technical architecture and design principles;

Proficiency in Python with a deep understanding of Python principles and best practices;

Experience with Django for developing web applications and RESTful APIs, including familiarity with the Django REST framework for creating APIs;

Strong design and development skills for RESTful services and understanding of REST principles, authentication and authorization mechanisms;

Skills in using version control systems such as Git, including branches, merges, and pull requests, to collaborate effectively in a team environment;

Experience with relational databases (eg PostgreSQL, MySQL) and/or NoSQL databases (eg MongoDB), including schema development, queries, and migrations;

Understanding OAuth 2.0 Flows. and implementation experience.

**It will be a plus:

Ability to work with code and expert evaluations;

Experience with AWS;

Experience using Docker for containerization and understanding how to create, manage, and deploy Docker containers to development, staging, and production environments;

Knowledge of Send Grid integration and management for in-app email services, including configuring transactional emails and troubleshooting email deliverability;

Experience integrating with identity providers and SSO.

Experience with Google Firebase.


An initiative focused on promoting environmental sustainability while also offering financial benefits. At the core of the product is an environmental program that encourages and rewards people for participating in environmental activities such as beach cleanups, tree planting, and wildlife conservation.

The team has already developed a POC version of the product and is currently looking for an intermediate/strong Python developer to focus on the MVP version.

Team: The new team member will work in a team of 4: 1 BE, 1 FE, 1 QA, and 1 PM (the client is in the US).

Empowerment: new team members will have the opportunity to make independent decisions regarding backend development within the project.

*Tasks and responsibilities for the first time:

Backend Development: Designing and executing backend development strategies to meet the client’s business requirements, using Python and its frameworks to build scalable and maintainable applications;

Architectural decision-making: Active participation in the application architecture decision-making process and the development of solutions, ensuring that they are innovative and practical;

Integration with third-party software: implement, configure, and maintain full integration with third-party software that ensures smooth operation and improves the functionality of our applications;

Work closely with the Product Manager to understand project requirements, provide technical input and recommendations on the most effective technical approaches to achieve project objectives;

Technical leadership and proactivity: taking a proactive stance in all aspects of solution development, from proposing new technologies and frameworks to identifying opportunities for process improvement;


Technical Leadership and Proactivity: taking a proactive stance in all aspects of solution development, from proposing new technologies and frameworks to identifying opportunities for process improvement, etc.

*Interview steps:

Lead TA — 1 hour (introduction, discussion of your practical experience and coordination with the current project, team);

Technical interview — 1.5 hours/2 team members (free-style discussion of experience, understanding of general project development principles, design patterns, web-apps development. Architectural tasks, no real-time coding. DB related tasks online)


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