
Where are you going, Moon? A natural satellite is running away from the Earth «and it’s not affecting us in the best way

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that the Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth, which leads…


«Astronomical Photographer of the Year» 2024 — 10 most interesting photos of the contest

The «Astronomy Photographer of the Year» contest has announced the stunning 2024 winners. From fascinating «mythical monsters to dizzying distant…


«Devil’s Comet» brightest on April 21 — it happens once every 71 years

On Sunday, April 21, comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (Ponce-Brooks), known as «Devil's Comet», «Horned Comet», or «Millennium Falcon», has become the most…


Construction of the 3.2 gigapixel digital camera for the LSST telescope — the largest in human history is completed

Specialists of the National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC noted a historic event lasting more than two decades — the completion of…


Astronomers have discovered two unknown moons of Neptune and one of Uranus — in total, the planets have 16 and 28

Thanks to ground-based telescopes, astronomers have discovered three previously unknown satellites in the space around Uranus and Neptune: one orbiting…
