«Devil’s Comet» brightest on April 21 — it happens once every 71 years

News Science and space 04-21-2024 at 14:34 comment
On Sunday, April 21, comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (Ponce-Brooks), known as «Devil’s Comet», «Horned Comet», or «Millennium Falcon», has become the most visible in the sky. The celestial body, which visits the solar system once every 71 years, has reached perihelion — the point in its elliptical orbit when it is closest to the Sun.

Construction of the 3.2 gigapixel digital camera for the LSST telescope — the largest in human history is completed

News Science and space 04-04-2024 at 12:30 comment
Specialists of the National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC noted a historic event lasting more than two decades — the completion of the construction and testing of the 3.2 gigapixel (!) digital camera LSST. This is the largest camera ever created, and it will operate on the future Simonyi Survey Telescope at Rubin Observatory (named after the…

Astronomers have discovered two unknown moons of Neptune and one of Uranus — in total, the planets have 16 and 28

News Science and space 02-27-2024 at 08:00 comment
Thanks to ground-based telescopes, astronomers have discovered three previously unknown satellites in the space around Uranus and Neptune: one orbiting Uranus and two around Neptune. Thus, the official number of Uranus’ satellites is 28, and Neptune’s is 16.

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