Trainee/Junior QA Manual Engineer до 3-х місяців

Creative and highly motivated Junior Manual QA Engineer with a great desire to learn and an ability to learn fast.
Eager to keep growing and to take on new experiences.
A team-player, easy-going in communication with others.

4 Лют 2023
Trainee QA engineer до 3-х місяців

I'm looking for a job as a beginner as a QA engineer. I finished the courses. There is no work experience.

4 Лют 2023
QA Engineer 1 рік

A well-motivated and inspired QA Engineer. Familiar with the staples of the work such as SDLC, STLC, TD Techniques, and approaches to the testing. Believe that the perfect bug report will change the World as well as the documentation. Have experience in working as a Scrum team. Tend to learn something new. Consider knowledge as a life-long thing. Open-minded and aware of the principles the Internet is based on.

4 Лют 2023
Full Stack Developer півроку

I am a Junior Full Stack developer and looking for full-time position. Diligent and enthusiastic, I am interested in IT and everything in its orbit.

4 Лют 2023
Project Manager півроку

17 years in Hospitality on leading and top positions. Finished PM Course recently. Understanding of application development and software development lifecycle concepts, AGILE development processes. Project management tools and processes understanding.

4 Лют 2023
Ui/UX design півроку

I am interested in work with UI/UX design, I am keen on studying everything connected to this topic. Friendly atmosphere, nice work environment and work on interesting projects are important for me.

4 Лют 2023
Junior Android Developer півроку

Студент 3 курсу Черкаського державного технологічного університету, мова програмування Kotlin. Швидко навчаюсь та готовий до співпраці

4 Лют 2023
Junior Front-End developer до 3-х місяців

I don't have any work experience right now, I'm just studying at Tel-ran school. I want to start with Front-end dev and eventually move to Full-stack dev. What to write next I just don't know yet. I chose a beginner's position, what kind of work experience?

4 Лют 2023
Developer 3 роки

Backend developer, worked with programming language
PHP (Laravel/Symfony)
Go (a bit knowledge)
JS (a bit knowledge)

4 Лют 2023

• Web Technologies : JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, HTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, REST, JSON
• Programming Languages : PHP
• Frameworks : Laravel
• Databases : MySQL
• Tools/APIs : JetBrains PHPStorm IDE, Docker.
* PhotoShop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, { Illustrator }

4 Лют 2023