Trainee Frontend Developer до 3-х місяців


31 Лип 2022
UI/UX Designer 1 рік

I’m a designer with 1.5 year experience. I have a few cases on Behance, most of my work is under NDA, so I can't share, but I'd be happy to do a test challenge.

27 Лип 2022
Рекрутер 3 роки

Добрий день. Я в рекрутингу вже понад 3 роки.
Працюю віддалено. Пропоную свої послуги з персоналу та допомогу в адаптації.

26 Лип 2022
Full Stack trainee до 3-х місяців

Я "switcher" але маю велике бажання розвиватись у сфері ІТ на посаді Full Stack developer.

24 Лип 2022
Frontend півроку

A newly-qualified specialist with high theoretical knowledge and Intermediate English is ready to learn fast and dive deep into a project details, and strives to become a part of a team to contribute into overall success.

22 Лип 2022
Frontend півроку

My name is Danil

19 Лип 2022

Six months of commercial experience (Freelancer) in searching different levels of candidates.
Beginner IT Recruiter with a huge desire to become an IT professional in the near future. Hard
worker with excellent interpersonal skills.

19 Лип 2022
QA Engineer півроку

• Практические знания в области тестирования ПО
• Базовые знания о жизненном цикле ПО, моделях разработки, жизненном цикле ошибок.
• Теоретические знания в области тестирования веб-приложений.
• Базовое понимание работы ОС Windows и Linux

18 Лип 2022

Have experience with projects in the food industry and managing people in the automotive industry in general for more than 6 years

14 Лип 2022
Full Stack Engineer 4 роки

I am an experienced Software Engineer who can develop effective user interfaces and mobile apps released to the public. I have worked closely with web development and software design teams to update the website and internal web tools, and to make them more efficient. I like to create innovative solutions to web design issues, make the website visually more appealing and enhance usability.

27 Черв 2022