ios Developer півроку

Привіт мене звати Олег, мені 32.
Шукаю роботу на посаду Розробник ios,
бажано віддалено, але можу і в офіс.
Мешкаю в Києві.
Маю власний мак для роботи на перший час.
Готовий працювати і вчитись новому, стресостійкий, цілеспоямований.

2 Лют 2023
ios Developer півроку

Привіт мене звати Олег, мені 32.
Шукаю роботу на посаду Розробник ios,
бажано віддалено, але можу і в офіс.
Мешкаю в Києві.
Маю власний мак для роботи на перший час.
Готовий працювати і вчитись новому, стресостійкий, цілеспоямований.

2 Лют 2023
Angular developer 3 роки

Full-Stack Developer with 3 years of experience with Angular 2+ and NestJs(NodeJs).

Developed projects for startups and private businesses. My duties included creating new products, developing new features for existing projects, upgrading legacy codebase etc.

2 Лют 2023
Front end developer до 3-х місяців

Hello! I am a beginner Front end Developer! I currently have no work experience as I am just starting my journey in this field, but I am ready to be part of a team and develop my skills and ability to solve complex problems and troubleshoot problems.

2 Лют 2023
IT Recruiter 2 роки

I am a talented, ambitious and hardworking IT Recruiter. My key strength is communication; building strong relationships with people in order to deliver the best results.

2 Лют 2023
QA Engineer 10 та більше років

I have been working as a QA Engineer for more than 10 years. I have a good theoretical background and experience in functional software testing. Enjoy learning new technology

2 Лют 2023
Freelance до 3-х місяців

Codewars -
GitHub -
Mail - [email protected]
Phone - +380678802508

2 Лют 2023

Hi, I'm a Full-Stack Developer. Have good knowledge of HTML, CSS, React, Redux, React Native, Node.js and the ability to quickly learn new material. Like to work in a team, solve complex problems and work on new interesting projects. For me, personal development and the development of the company where I will work are important.

2 Лют 2023
Junior front-end developer 1 рік

Front-End developer, who is comfortable working with HTML5, CSS3, CSS frameworks like bootstrap, JavaScript,
TypeScript, Vue JS, and responsive web design to deliver exceptional customer experience. I have experience in creating
& designing software in a test-driven environment.

2 Лют 2023

- Ready to start working ASAP;
- Looking for products with a startup mindset;
- OK with healthcare but not interested in the medical domain;

2 Лют 2023