Recruiter 2 роки

My experience in IT recruitment for over 1,5 years

Successful closing IT vacancies from Junior to Senior level.
I have experience in searching for candidates: passive and active search. Usually I using this tools for active search of candidates: Linkedin Search, Djinni, Boolean search, AmazingHiring, Turbo hiring etc.

24 Січ 2023
Web researcher 2 роки

Мене звати Вячеслав, я web researcher з досвідом майже в 2 роки, працював в такій компанії як Dev.Pro

24 Січ 2023
Senior Project Manager 10 та більше років

I am convinced that a good manager is prepared for different situations on a project and understands that communication, engagement, and professionalism are the key to a successful outcome.

During my 10 years in IT, I have been in different roles, starting from being a Junior PM to being Head of Delivery and Head of Department in outsourcing and later PMO in a product.

23 Січ 2023
IT Sourcer/IT Recruiter 2 роки

• Full cycle of recruiting process for IT specialists;
• Staying in touch with candidate during post-offer stage;
• Maintaining recruiting related reports;
• Providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates;
• Monitoring and analyzing job market.

23 Січ 2023
Recruiter до 3-х місяців

Highly motivated beginner recruiter with high-quality soft skills, eager to develop. I have theoretical knowledge in recruitment and work experience in other areas. Ready for learning and self-improvement.

23 Січ 2023
Recruiter півроку

I am a beginner IT recruiter.
I am ready to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Despite the lack of experience as Recruiter, I am a purposeful person and learn quickly enough. I am open to new knowledge in the field of recruiting and improving my English. Ready to work hard to achieve the best results for your company.

23 Січ 2023
HR-Менеджер 2 роки

Управління, підбір персоналу, адаптація персоналу, онбординг, розробка мотивації персоналу, індивідуальні плани розвитку персогалу, аналіз діяльності, робота з CRM, Trello, Jira, автоматизація робочих процесів, вирішення спорів, комунікації з стейкхолдерами, підготовка івентів , виступи перед аудиторією, розробка тренінгів, презентація компанії ,відслідковування ситуації на ринку праці , коучингу персоналу

23 Січ 2023
Trainee Front end developer (React JS) до 3-х місяців

I'm 23 y.o. and looking for the first job in IT after studying (can be remotely).
Internship is also fine.

23 Січ 2023
Front-End developer до 3-х місяців

Hello, my name is Elizabeth, I'm a Front-end developer with less than a year of experience.
Now I am in search of the first job, I will be glad to your suggestions!

22 Січ 2023

My name is Mykyta, I have strong knowledge in React/JS/HTML5/CSS3 stack and the ability to write clean and maintainable code. I am good at creating semantic, cross-browser, adaptive and valid layout.
please find my resume attached.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards, Mykyta

22 Січ 2023