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Japanese man sends explosives to Nintendo 39 times over Splatoon 3 losses — could go to jail for a year

Андрій Русанов

The man responsible for disrupting several Nintendo events has confessed to his actions. The 27-year-old man, accused of sending 39 explosive devices, recently appeared in court. He says he sent threats to Nintendo over losing games Splatoon 3.

«The more I lost [in Splatoon 3], the more frustrated I got» — he said in court.

The prosecutor’s office is demanding at least one year in prison for the attacker. Kenshin Kazama confessed to sending threats to Nintendo at a court hearing on June 26, 2024. He tried to justify his actions by explaining that he sent the messages when he was stressed and irritated because he lost the game.

Between August and November 2023, Kazama sent 39 threats to Nintendo, including messages like «I will kill everyone involved. Be careful at events with viewers». The threats led to the cancellation of several events and hurt Nintendo’s business.

Prosecutors found that Kazama caused ¥700 (about $4.3 million) in damage. The prosecution says that the situation is serious and there is «no room for leniency for childish reasons». Prosecutors demanded at least one year in prison for Kazami to examine his actions. The final verdict will be announced on July 24, 2024.

Source Insider Gaming

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