120 «Shaheeds» and other UAVs destroyed in Russian Yeysk — Ukrainian Navy clarifies strikes on the night of June 21

Андрій Русанов

Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine clarified data on the attack on UAV depots in Yeysk, Russia, on the night of June 21. According to the new information, 120 drones, «Shahedis» and others, as well as instructors and technical personnel of the base were destroyed.

Thus, the forces and means of the Ukrainian Navy and the Security Service of Ukraine hit the facilities at the training ground of the 726th Air Defense Training Center (military unit 33859) in Yeysk, in the Krasnodar region of Russia. The center trained the military of the aggressor state to use various types of UAVs. They were destroyed as a result of the strikes:

  • Shahed-136 drones («Geranium-2») – 20
  • Attack drones «Lancet» – 50
  • Reconnaissance drones «ZALA» – 40
  • Reconnaissance drones «SuperCam» — 10

The impact of the strike is confirmed by a spectacular comparison of before and after satellite photos. The destruction really seems to be extensive.

Earlier, the Navy confirmed Destruction of the «Shahedin» warehouse and related infrastructure. Storage and preparation areas for the use of UAVs, training buildings, control and communication centers for drone crews were hit. Also, qualified instructors who trained personnel to service UAV launches and cadets who were trained to conduct strikes on the territory of Ukraine were killed.

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