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A gamer traveled 1600 km and attacked another player with a hammer because of a disagreement in the online game ArcheAge

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Police have charged a 20-year-old gamer, Edward Kang, who attacked another player. To harm his opponent, the accused was not too lazy to travel 1000 miles (over 1600 km).

The dispute started over the online multiplayer game ArcheAge. Having failed to reach an agreement online, Edward Kang decided to meet his opponent in person. He was not even deterred by the need for a long trip to do so.

So, according to police, Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey to Fernandina Beach, Florida. After arriving in Fernandina Beach, he stayed at the Ocean Coast Hotel and bought a flashlight and a hammer. Kang then headed to the home of Zachary Dean, with whom he had a dispute.

Edward Kang entered the house, fully dressed in black clothes, wearing gloves and a mask. He attacked Dean with a hammer, causing him «severe head wounds».

Dean said he was playing video games when he got up to use the bathroom and saw Kang. He was standing with a hammer in the «expected striking position». After that, a fight broke out between them. Dean’s stepfather intervened, woken up by his stepson’s cry for help. When he came into the room, he found his stepson on the floor fighting with Kang. The two of them managed to restrain Kang until the police arrived, called by Dean’s stepfather.

During the fight, Zachary Dean received serious head wounds, but fortunately, they were not life-threatening. He was taken to the hospital with his injuries and later released. At the scene of the attack, investigators found «a significant amount of blood» in the entranceway of the house and in Dean’s bedroom.

When the suspect was asked why he committed the attack, he said that his victim was a bad person on the Internet.

Kang was booked into the Nassau County Jail and charged with attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary.

ArcheAge, the game that caused this incident, will be closed on Friday for users in North America due to a decrease in the number of players.

Source: dailymail

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