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Apple to allow distribution of iOS apps in the EU on developer sites

Вадим Карпусь

A few days after Apple allowed iOS users in the EU to use third-party app stores, the company announced additional changes related to how developers can distribute their apps. Now, those developers who meet certain criteria will be able to allow users to download apps from their websites.

The Web Distribution option will be available this spring. In effect, it will allow developers to bypass the app distribution ecosystem entirely for their own apps. To be eligible, developers must agree to the new App Store rules, according to which they pay a commission for each user installation after certain thresholds. They must also be a member of the Apple Developer Program and have a good reputation for at least 2 years. Among other criteria, they will need to «have an app that had more than one million first annual installs on iOS in the EU in the previous calendar year».

By establishing certain rules to support downloads from the Internet, Apple hopes to minimize the risk that users will install pirated or malicious apps. However, the company has been criticized for seemingly following only the letter of the EU Digital Markets Act, but not its spirit. Therefore, attempts to control app downloads from the Internet may also come under scrutiny from regulators.

In addition, Apple now allows developers to launch app stores that contain only their own apps. Previously, they were required to offer apps from other developers as well. Thus, companies such as Epic Games, Xbox, and Meta can have iOS app stores that contain only their own apps and games.

At the same time, developers will have more options in terms of how they can direct users to an external page to complete a transaction of digital goods and services. Apple has provided design templates for in-app promotions, discounts, and offers, but they are now optional. This means that companies such as Spotify and Netflix can now design links to their websites (and potentially avoid Apple’s 30% commission on in-app subscriptions).

Source: Engadget

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