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Archaeologists discover chariot racing arena in ancient Spain

Игорь Панченко

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a chariot racing arena and other previously unknown structures in the Roman city of Irunya-Velea in northern Spain using lidar technology.

Researchers from ARKIKUSARKIKUS — is a technology start-up company based in the Basque Country, Spain, specializing in creating virtual reconstructions of historical sites., with the support of the Provincial Council of Alava and the government of the Basque Country, discovered the Roman circus using a combination of aerial photography, laser scanning and ranging (LiDAR) and drone imagery. This integrated approach allowed the archaeologists to map the topography and identify hidden man-made features of the landscape. LiDAR works by emitting laser pulses from the air and measuring their reflection, which creates a detailed image of the terrain surface.

This aerial photo shows the outlines of a Roman circus on the site of Irunya Velea, an ancient city in what is now Spain

The new aerial map revealed several structures on the 251-hectare site. The most impressive discovery was a Roman circus — an arena 280 meters long and 72 meters wide that could seat 5,000 spectators. Other well-known circuses in the region are located in Tarracon (modern Tarragona) and Calagurris (modern Calaorra). In contrast to these places, the circus in Irunha Velea has remained relatively untouched by modern construction, retaining its original layout.

Chariot racing was a popular entertainment in ancient Rome. An entire industry was formed around this sport. Enthusiasts, like modern sports fans, supported their favorite stables and charioteers, traveling from far and wide to cheer them on.

«Chariot racing in the circus», Raffaello Sorbi, 1894

In addition to the arena, the lidar discovered streets with arcades, residential areas, places of worship, and facilities for urban sanitation and water supply. Ana del Val, Deputy Director of the Spanish Department of Culture and Sports, commented:

«This discovery is extremely important and once again confirms that Irunha Velea is a major ancient city with enormous potential for archaeological and historical research».

The researchers hope that this discovery will draw proper attention to Irunha Velei. They emphasize the need to protect, study, and appreciate this site, which could create wealth for the entire region.

Source: Livescience.com, Archaeologymag

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