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Batman Beyond: based on 25-year-old animated series is proposed to be turned into a feature-length animated film

Вадим Карпусь

In 1992, the Fox channel released the series «Batman: The Animated Series». Viewers received new episodes until 1995. And in 1999, a new animated series «Batman Beyond» appeared, offering a new storyline.

First, its events took place in the future (for that time) — in 2019. And secondly, the main character was not Bruce Wayne, but a teenager Terry McGinnis. This series ran until the end of 2001. And now, more than 20 years later, and after the success of «Spider-Man: Across the Universe», the idea to revive «Batman Beyond» came up, but in the form of a full-length cartoon, not a series.

In X (Twitter) published some concept art by Yuki Demers depicting a possible «Batman Beyond» movie. And for fans of this universe, they look great.

Yuki Demers wrote that he and Patrick Harpin approached Warner Bros. and DC Comics about a feature-length «Batman Beyond» movie 5 months ago, supplementing their proposal with a serious set of concept art.

«Before we came on board, they warned us that there was no way to make a «Beyond» movie, but they loved our enthusiasm»,— Demers wrote. «We developed a blueprint for the entire movie, and what started out as a «never» turned into a «maybe».

Obviously, the team was pushing the project up the corporate ladder, hoping to attract the attention of DC Studios CEO James Gunn. And the great attention to the social media post more than proves that «Batman Beyond» has an audience. But it is not yet known whether the studio will give the green light to this project.

Source: slashfilm

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