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Because of sex with an octopus, «The Boys» Chase Crawford almost had a panic attack

Андрій Русанов

The Boys actor Chase Crawford says that the day before filming a scene in which he has sex with an octopus, he almost had a panic attack. The Amazon Prime series «Guys» is known for its many grotesque and strange sexual moments.

In the beginning fans liked these sensational scenes, but they gradually began to doubt that the series prioritized plot over shock scenes. One of them occurs in the sixth episode of the third season, when Crawford’s character, Underwater, was caught having sex with an octopus. In the interview Rolling Stone Crawford said he almost had a panic attack.

«I was in complete denial about it. And then 24 hours passed from the first day I was supposed to shoot it, and I almost had a panic attack» — says Crawford.

The series has an intimacy coordinator who ensures that the actors are comfortable filming sex scenes, but the actor noted that the consultant was not involved in the scene with the octopus.

Crawford called showrunner Eric Kripke. He organized a closed set with only the actors and the necessary crew members and changed the way the scene was shot.

«I was worried about the scene. I thought: «How are we going to do it? What angles will we use? How much should I be naked? He changed one shot for me. And it was great,» Crawford said.

He added: «But yeah, just picking up an octopus and having a wet octopus in bed was so funny and weird. And then it didn’t work out for almost a year, but everyone loved it».

Over the past few years, intimacy coordinators have become more prominent in major films and television series. Actors say that their involvement improves their experience of intimate scenes.

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