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«But we are better than Google and OpenAI»: Meta prevents AI from training on Facebook and Instagram posts

Ігор Шелудченко

Meta Corporation has announced that starting today, it will start training its AI on Facebook and Instagram posts published by citizens of the UK or the European Union.

However, not everyone agrees with this, tells us SkyNews.

Meta faced legal problems, in particular, in Ireland. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) asked the tech giant to postpone training large language models. Stefano Fratta, Meta’s director of privacy policy, has already called it «disappointing».

Meta hopes that the problem will be solved during the summer.

Not everything is smooth in EU. The European digital rights group Noyb has also filed complaints, stating that Meta’s innovations violate the fundamental right to data protection and privacy of European users.

Following the information about the suspension of AI training on Facebook and Instagram, Meta commented on the issue, mentioning Google and OpenAI.

«We are following the example of others, including Google and OpenAI, which have already used European data to train artificial intelligence.Our approach is more transparent and offers more regulatory options,» the company said.

Users in the European Union and the United Kingdom are protected by a number of laws and have the right to refuse any use of their data.

Users are likely to receive an email or notification from Meta and will give users the opportunity to object before the changes take effect. Meta states that «will handle requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws of».

It is reported that due to the relevant conflicts, the company has postponed the release of Meta AI in Europe.

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